Top Vacation Destinations on Instagram

I admit I was curious to find out which are the most instagrammed vacation destinations in the world. There are many amazing places across the globe and, as travelers and tourists like to take photos, I was interested in which cities have the highest visibility on different social media networks or apps.

HotelsCombined just released on the blog an interesting infographic focusing on „Most-Instagrammed #Vacation Destinations of 2014”. They analyzed almost 100,000 images that contained the “#Vacation” hashtag during the past few months and the results are somewhat expected, with famous cities visited by tourists year after year, being in this top, but also with some surprises. For some, Moscow might be such a surprise – the city ranked number 8 – and, more surprisingly, Jakarta, Indonesia, ranked at number 12. New York City ranked first and the top five destinations was completed by London, Las Vegas, Barcelona and Orlando. Another interesting discovery: the top three countries are USA, Italy and Turkey – as revealed by this infographic and users’ photos on Instagram. And I realized, I wanted for a long time to visit Turkey, but somehow didn’t manage to (so far, at least). I guess I have to find out more about getting a Turkish visa online and just go there and discover this country.

Here’s the complete infographic with all the vacation destinations popular on Instagram.

Top Vacation Destinations on Instagram

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13 thoughts on “Top Vacation Destinations on Instagram

  1. Wow, lots of major US cities near the top of this list! Interesting infographic!

  2. Interesting infographic! I hoped to see Croatia on it, but not this time :). Now I’ll start using a hashtag vacation on my insta photos to boost Croatia’s popularity a bit. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Before I read the post, I was thinking that my top place would be New York City. I also love seeing photos of natural places like national parks.

  4. Surprised that Paris “only” made it to the top #6. Would have thought the Eiffel tower would be really popular. Who knew…

  5. This is a very neat infograph. I had a lot of fun seeing what popular tourist cities are popular on Instagram and was surprised at some of the least popular states.

  6. I”m sad that SF didn’t even make it in the top 10. But I love NYC and London, so I can deal with this list!

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