Tips for Turning Traveling into a Career

Traveling is not always the cheapest thing, however you can turn your love of traveling into a career that pays you. More people are turning their hobbies into money makers and here are a few tips to making it possible.

Sunrise seen from the airplane on the way to Johannesburg
Sunrise seen from the airplane on the way to Johannesburg

Be Prepared for the Negative

When you travel, things do not always go as planned. If you are wanting to turn your travel into a career, you will need to be okay with writing about everything. You are not going to lose sponsors if you fail to produce a raving review, especially since readers want to know the good and the bad about a place. Remember that people want to believe and trust what they are reading. When they feel comfortable with what you write, they are more likely to make purchases and travel based on what you have written.

Stay Active

One of the most important things to consider when you are turning a hobby into a career is your activity levels. In the beginning, you will need to post almost daily because you are needing to build your audience from scratch. If you give them fresh content, they are more likely to come back regularly. During the first year of your career, make sure you are submitting to a blog every other day, if not daily. You also want to be constantly submitting to travel magazines or websites to publish your work and build report.

Stop Focusing on Social Media

It can be tempting to fall into the trap believing that social media is extremely important. You want to make sure that you post to several different social media sites, but do not try to game the site. There are many accounts that attempt to sell you thousands of likes or followers, and this will not give you anything more than high numbers on your social media. You want to focus on the followers who are going to engage with you and read your blog.

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Numbers are Deceiving

When it comes to blogging about your travels and sharing across social media, it is important to keep in mind that numbers are deceiving. On Facebook, when your readers like your post, their friends will also see it so you will have unknown traffic. In addition, others may talk about your posts bringing attention and new visitors.

Stop Chasing the Small Bids

When you are writing a blog, stop chasing the small bids for a post. You still want to enjoy what you do, so do not be afraid to change your mind-set. Use high quality affiliate marketing and talk to locations about large offers. However, you want to make sure that you have the professional equipment to take photographs and videos.

You want to make sure that you still enjoy what you do, so through in trips that are just for fun. When you are starting out, you may want to consider getting a loan from to jumpstart your career. This will help you have fun and not have to worry about attempting to make as much money as possible right out of the gate.

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