Church in Oradea and a sky with many cables

Church in Oradea and a sky with many cables

Oradea, a city in Romania, has many-many churches belonging to several religions. Some of these churches are beautiful and impressive – and even well maintained. In fact, when we were in Oradea last year we saw various churches in renovation....
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The Black Sea in March in Several Gorgeous Photos

The Black Sea in March in Several Gorgeous Photos

I like, from time to time, to just sit back, with a cup of tea or coffee, and look over old photos. I did this today and I realized how much I miss the sea. In Romania, we have The...
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A beautiful fountain in Brasov, Romania

A beautiful fountain in Brasov, Romania

I like to walk in the cities I visit, and I enjoyed walking in Brasov, Romania, last month when I was there. As I was heading towards the old town’s centre, I saw this gorgeous fountain with beautiful statues. I...
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