New Year’s travel resolutions you can actually stick to

I know it is not easy to travel for everyone, and the pandemic didn’t make things easier. If you have the travel bug or if you just want to discover more about this world, then these travel resolutions are perfect for you.

As you will see, these travel-related resolutions are easy to implement, many of them even from the comfort of your home. They’re also fun! Just read on and see!

These can be New Year resolutions and the best part is that they can become a tradition, something that you will do each year. So, without further ado, let’s see the New Year’s travel traditions you can actually stick to.

New Year’s travel resolutions you can actually stick to

New Year’s travel resolutions you can actually stick to

Read a travel book or a book set in a city or country you love

Have you ever looked at all the travel books that are available? Even I didn’t know that there are so many of them!

And it’s not only travel guides. A simple check of the travel section of the books category on Amazon will reveal so many inspiring titles.

If you don’t want to read a travel book, then you can go for a book that has its action placed in a city or country you like. You’ll most likely learn a lot about that country, some traditions, and some places from the book itself.

As an alternative, you can use audiobooks or you can start reading travel blogs, places where you’ll definitely find a lot of interesting travel-related stories, and even detailed travel guides.

Watch an online documentary about an attraction or a city/country

Next on this list of travel-related resolutions, I’m including one that’s very accessible.

This is one of the easy travel resolutions you can stick to.

And the best part is that you can reach this New Year’s travel resolution from the comfort of your home, even multiple times throughout the year.

If due to some restrictions – financial, health, pandemic, etc. – you cannot visit a specific city or country, then you can at least discover it thoroughly with the help of a documentary.

You can watch it on TV – there are plenty of TV posts that offer such documentaries – where you can watch it online.

Either way, you’ll have a great time and you’ll learn a lot about that specific place, city or country.

In 2021 I was pleased to see that one of the cinemas in my country offered the possibility to buy a ticket and watch the movie via computer, at home. I took advantage of this opportunity and saw a couple of documentaries about museums and painters I like. I loved the experience, and I can hardly wait to be able to visit those museums live. Until then, I plan to watch a few more such documentaries this year as well.

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You can find documentaries for free on YouTube or you can stream them from the platforms you may be using, such as Netflix, Amazon Prime, etc.

Visit a museum monthly

Do you think this is a difficult travel resolution? Let me show you how this is an easily reachable travel goal.

If you’re like me, then you like going to museums as they are an invaluable resource that helps you learn more about history, art, architecture, cultures, and more.

I admit that this travel resolution – visiting a museum monthly – it’s one that I set for myself as well. And it is an easy New Year’s travel resolution. Here’s how you can visit the museum monthly.

First, take into consideration museums in your own city. Have you visited them all?

If not, then this is a great time to start.

If you did see them all, then you can revisit it.

Then, consider visiting museums in nearby cities. And read the next travel resolution as you see how they are connected.

The third option is to include at least one museum on the list of things to do on each trip. So, when you decide where to go next, check out what museums can be visited where you go.

Finally, be aware that you can visit museums from the comfort of your home. While it may not be exactly the same experience, it is still a great opportunity that you shouldn’t miss.

There are many museums that offer free online tours. There are many museums that have made accessible their art or interior during the pandemic, and they are still available. That is how I re-visited the Louvre last year for instance, after visiting it live a few years ago.

Venus de Milo, Louvre Museum, Paris
Venus de Milo, Louvre Museum, Paris

Take a trip

You can take a one-day trip, a city break, or a longer vacation, depending on your preferences and budget.

You can travel locally or internationally.

Either way, it’ll be a great way to unwind, take your mind off of all the stress and problems, and relax.

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If you have a year in which you cannot travel for various reasons than you can take half a day or a few hours to immerse yourself in a city.

You can do that by listening to some music in the native language and watching a documentary (as mentioned above) about the city/country. You can also try to learn a few words in that language – using a free app or website.

You can read travel guides and articles about that city or country and learn a lot like this, being more prepared for a potential visit there in the future.

You can read articles and learn more about the fauna and flora of that specific city or country, you can look for some videos where you can see how the different flowers are blooming or hear the sounds of local birds and animals.

There are many ways in which you can discover a new place, regardless of your preferences, budget, or travel options, or the lack thereof.

Easy New Year’s travel resolutions you can implement NOW

Watch a live feed from a different part of the world

There are various ways in which you can actually see, in real-time, what’s happening across the globe. One of these methods is to watch a live feed, and you can turn this into a travel resolution that will allow you to relax even daily.

You can watch bear cam feeds, wildlife feeds, nature reserves, and park feeds, but also some cameras that are placed all across the globe. Many cities have available live feeds, so you can just pick one, search for the available webcam feeds, and check it out. Yes, it’s that easy.

Play something travel-related

If you like to play games, then you can look for some word games or other types of games that are travel-related.

From trivia games to puzzles and to various games and apps on our beloved mobile devices, there are many online games to choose from. You can invite your friends to play with you, you in real life or on the mobile games you’ll discover.

Go somewhere new in your country

Have you visited your country in its entirety? I admit that there are many places in Romania that I have not visited and that I’d love to discover one day.

Some of these local places can be visited during the one-day trip, while others will require several days. But they can all lead you to discover new people, local traditions, off-the-beaten-path things to see and do, and they can all turn into a great way to unwind maybe over the weekend.

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Try an international dish

Whether you’re traveling or not, trying local dishes from across the globe is actually one of the nicest things to do during the year.

The first way to try an international dish is, obviously, when you are visiting a specific place. One of the best ways to discover a country is to try the local food – traditional dishes, fruits and vegetables that grow there.

But you can also try international dishes at home. You can look up recipes from different countries, make those dishes, and try them. If you like them, you can even turn them into surprise dishes that you cook for your family and friends when you invite them over.

If you don’t want to cook or don’t have time for that, that’s ok too. You can check your area for restaurants that serve food from other regions and countries/continents, and order a dish from a different search restaurant each month.

It would still be like travelling across the globe through eating, once a month. Plus, it will be something new to try, and you can discover new favourite dishes.

These are the easiest New Year’s travel resolutions you can actually stick to. They’re not only easy, but also fun, engaging, and will also allow you to learn more about our amazing Earth.

Have fun!

What travel resolutions do you have for this year? (or had in the past?)

New Year's Travel Resolutions you can actually stick to. Discover easy travel resolutions that you'll love and implement them now. Easy new year's resolutions! #newyearsresolution #newyearsresolutions #travelresolutions

Easy Travel Resolutions that you'll love! Discover New Year's travel resolutions that you can actually stick to! easy to implement and fun travel resolutions! #newyearsresolution #newyearsresolutions #travelresolutions

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