Excellent Tips to Help You Save Money on Your Phone Bill When Traveling

Traveling the world provides many benefits and it is the ultimate experience. However, not only are there hefty costs involved in terms of transportation and accommodation, but many people have also been presented with massive phone bills because they haven’t been clever enough with their data. If you are off on your travels for just a weekend or you’re going away for months, have a look at some of the below tips that could save you hundreds of dollars on your phone bill.

phone beach

Image from Pixabay

Purchase a New Sim Card

An easy trick to ensure you don’t go over your data when traveling is to just purchase a new sim card. These sim cards will have a maximum amount of data you can use when you top up and that could save you hundreds of dollars. Sim cards can be purchased almost anywhere these days and they could be the difference in saving money when traveling.

Only Use Messaging Services That Use Wi-Fi

Fortunately, technology has grown massively in handsets over the past decade and it now means we have access to free resources to ensure we don’t use much data. Have a look at Facebook Messenger or WhatsApp – two very good apps that can be used when you’re in Wi-Fi enabled areas. Even iPhone mobiles now come with the iMessage feature, which can be used with Wi-Fi to give you a chance to message without using data.

When it comes to WhatsApp, even top professionals such as Michael Palance take advantage of the top messaging service. Michael David Palance is a successful actor, producer, and CEO of Premiere Program. Because of his success, Michael is forever on his travels and he will tell you how much of a bonus having WhatsApp on his phone is.

Keep Track of Your Data

If you decide against some of the other tips in this article, it’s wise to keep note of the data you’re using – the last thing you want when you get home is a red bill sitting on your doorstep. Take advantage of your mobile statistics and login to your mobile network account to see how much data you’ve clocked up.

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Call Your Provider to Discuss Other Data Options

Not all networks will try and stitch you up when you’re traveling. Some will do their best to ensure you get a data plan that works for you while you’re away. Give your network provider a call a few weeks before you leave to see if you can come up with an arrangement. Often, providers will just charge you an extra fee for the month for more data so you’ll not have to worry when you’re away.

Adjust Your Mobile Settings

While many mobile handsets will drain lots of data when you’re online, many of them also have built-in settings so you can adjust data usage. This is the easiest way to ensure you’re not going to be hit with hefty bills when you arrive back home. But, make sure you specifically check what settings you’re using because there have been several reports that these settings can reset back to their defaults.

A weekend holiday or a few months away can easily be ruined by a big phone bill when you arrive home. Always be sure to consider the above tips and you’ll find the vacation is much more enjoyable!

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