Did you know that, translated, Chichen Itza means “at the mouth of the well of Itza”? That’s because the Mayan civilization didn’t have an important river or surface water. So people had to find another solution – and they started to make use of cenotes (as the land is rocky, the water is „stored” „underground”, in these cenotes.)
In fact, when you go to Chichen Itza and the nearby cenote, you will see signs telling you that you can take a bath in the water, but you have to take a shower before you do that, as that water is part of the drinking water of the land.
Famous for its ancient civilization, special for the pyramid, with a beautiful resort and great hotels, Chichen Itza is definitely a place to consider for a vacation (or at least a trip.) It is impressive, special, a relic of the past. And yes, you will be joining many tourists from across the globe (as Chichen Itza is the second most visited archeological site of Mexico nowadays, and The Kukulkan Pyramid in Chichen-Itza, known as “El Castillo” (the castle), was included among the New Wonders of the World elected in 2007.
Here are two photos from Chichen Itza, made and sent by a dear friend, Dan Mitea. I hope you like them!