The Brandenburg Gate: history and photos

Built in the eighteenth century, The Brandenburg Gate is, nowadays, one of Berlin’s iconic monuments. In the past, people would come here, climb on it and look at the world behind the Iron Curtain. Don’t forget that, during the Cold War, Berlin was divided through a wall in two separate parts, each representing a different political system: democracy and communism.

The Brandenburg Gate - front
The Brandenburg Gate – front

The gate is excellently preserved and it manages to still draw visitors every year. It is imposing, a symbol of peace. Inspired by a Greek monument, The Brandenburg Gate was erected between 1788 and 1791 according to designs by Carl Gotthard Langhans; the monument was commissioned by King Frederick William II of Prussia. The monument was damaged, but not completely destroyed by bombs during World War II. As I mentioned though, nowadays it is in a perfect condition.

The Brandenburg Gate offers a splendid view both during the day, and during the evening/night (it is lit). So, regardless of the moment of the day when you get here, the Brandenburg Gate is just as imposing and enchanting.

The Brandenburg Gate - back
The Brandenburg Gate – back
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3 thoughts on “The Brandenburg Gate: history and photos

  1. Great post! Most people probably don’t even know its history when they snap a photo of it! Thanks for sharing this!

  2. This makes me miss Berlin even more. I love that city,its history and culture. I know I will go back at some point 🙂

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