Bear cam: The best wild live bear cam feeds you won’t be able to stop watching

Bears: amazing creatures that are fun to watch in the wild.

While we may not be able to travel the world to see all the bears in their natural habitat or doing various activities – fishing, eating, etc. – we can use a bear cam to get a glimpse of their lives.

And even if we get to see them in their natural environment, we cannot do that all the time – or at any moment we’d want.

With the use of the internet and live bear cam feeds, you can watch polar bears, brown bears, and more from across the globe all day long!

I’ve included below the best wild live bear cam feeds to watch. You’ll see polar bear cams, brown bear cams, and more!

Bear cam: The best wild live bear cam feeds

I also mentioned the place for many of these feeds so that you can convert the timezone to your area and to be able to discover what and when to watch.

These are wild live bear cameras from natural reserves, parks, and outdoors, so no zoo webcams.

The selection below includes my favorite live bear cam feeds. I’ve been watching some for years – and some are from places I also visited.

Also, as you’ll see, some of the cameras catch other animals too – so that’s an added bonus. As the live is 24/7, no matter when you see the feeds, you’ll be able to spot some animals there.

Bear cam: The best wild live bear cam feeds

Libearty Bear Sanctuary in Zarnesti, Romania

One of my favorite live bear cams is the one from my country at the Libearty Bear Sanctuary in Zarnesti, Romania.

The sanctuary is home to bears coming from circuses or who sustained injuries. They are bears with a difficult past, but with a good present – as they are taken care of, they have doctors and a domain where they can roam free.

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They are fed in the morning – so the best time to watch them is in the morning (Bucharest time GMT + 3) between 8 AM to 12 PM.

We visited this sanctuary and loved it – so if in Romania, we truly recommend you to go here and see them live!

You can support these bears through donations including via PayPal – any amount is helpful. Details here.

Bear Watching Transylvania – LIVE Animal Cam – Bear – Deer – Boar – Fox – Wolf – Birds – Wildlife

Another favorite wild live bear cam feed comes from Transylvania – Romania. Yes, two wonderful bears’ live feeds from Romania, my country (I’m really proud, I have to say!)

This feed allows you to see not only bears but other wild animals as well – making it one of the best wildlife live feeds in the world.

I’ve seen foxes here, deer, boars, and many more – during the day, but also at night.

The camera is on a mountain, and the view is also exceptional – trees, a mountain top, and the sky. Always something to see – even when the animals are not there, as the scenery is breathtaking.

You have the details for donations in the description of the video if you want to support the NGO that helps feed and care for these animals.

Brooks Falls – Katmai National Park 2022, Alaska powered by

The description says that Brooks Falls in Alaska’s Katmai National Park is the best place in the world to watch brown bears feasting on salmon as they swim upstream to spawn.

The feed runs on solar power, so there are highlights when the sun is not up, and the feed is live during the day. On the YouTube feed, there are also live chats you can join.

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Cape West Camera – Churchill Cam, Wapusk National Park powered by

Another bear camera with a live feed from allows you to watch beautiful polar bears from Manitoba, Canada.

They’re beautiful, impressive, amazing – and you can see many of them playing, running, enjoying the snow or the sun.

Bear Den Cam

Do you want to see a bear den live feed?

There is one – and it’s quite interesting. You can watch bear hibernating, during the winter – and see what they are doing during the summer.

This is the live view of the inside of Grinder and Coola’s hibernation den – they are two orphaned bears – (with infrared light at night) at Grouse Mountain, Vancouver, Canada. You can see it here. (no embedding option available)

Bear cam: The best wild live bear cam feeds you won’t be able to stop watching. Where to watch bears live #wildlife #bearcam #bears #brownbears #polarbears

The videos embedded in this article belong to their authors and I recommend you to check the YouTube videos and to the official websites, to find out more about the donation opportunities and the activity of each NGO/site 🙂

photo source

I’ve included the embedded feeds based on these articles: 1, 2.

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