A fun way to exercise when traveling: 30-minute hotel room workout for everyone, good for all health issues

It’s important to stay fit. It’s good for our health even if we may discover this after we have a health issue. Staying fit when traveling is also crucial and it doesn’t have to be hard or require complicated equipment or a pass to the gym or the pool.

You can exercise when travelling so that you can stay in shape on vacation, and in this article, I’ll tell you more about my 30-minute hotel room workout for everyone, good for all health issues.

A fun way to exercise when traveling: 30-minute hotel room workout for everyone, good for all health issues

How I became aware of the importance of having an exercise routine

My work includes many hours in front of the computer. I have been doing this for more than 15 years now. I launched my marketing and communication agency 15 years ago, why when I also launched a news website in my mother tongue, Romanian.

A few years later, I launched my first English travel blog – Travel – Moments in Time, and then my second one, the one that you are reading right now.

For a few years now, I started to work as a business coach and to help people double and triple their income and grow their businesses, or to launch successful businesses from scratch.

As you can easily imagine, this means many hours spent in front of the computer.

But that’s not all. Since I was in the 6th grade, I don’t do any sports – classical ones like running or playing different games – due to some knee problems.

In 2012 I actually had knee surgery and a hard and long recovery after that.

But the “best” part was 5 years ago when, one morning, after bending to smell a beautiful yellow flower from my garden, I could barely get up and make it to the house, on the couch in my living room.

I had incredible lower back pain, and I was alone at home with my 4-year old son and my dog for a week. My husband had just left the night before on one of his business travels and couldn’t come home before that assignment was over.

I have three nightmarish days, where I could barely make it to the bathroom, a few steps away from the couch.

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After that, I went to a neurologist and then to a physical therapist and I took physical therapy sessions for a month.

I learned that I have to do the exercises that they taught me there every day for the rest of my life if I want to try and prevent similar prices from happening again.

That was a wake-up call for me, and then I have started to learn even more physical therapy exercises that I could do at home for the rest of my body, even if I have many limitations due to my knee problems.

I created a simple exercise routine that I do every day for my health.

Last year, I received a resistance band – the long one, elastic, not made of silicone and without handles.

I was very happy, because there are a few exercises for arms, back, and legs I can do with such a resistance band, even with my condition.

Exercise when traveling: 30-minute hotel room workout

So let’s see the 30-minute hotel room workout that you can actually use at home as well.

Before presenting it to you, there’s something I need to point out: I created this exercise routine based on the exercises that were recommended to me by a doctor.

In fact, I should have an important disclaimer right now, and a recommendation at the same time: you should consult a doctor before doing any type of exercise, especially if you have health issues that may limit the type of workout that you can do!

So I recommend to you that you book a session with the physical therapists and in just one hour you discover what’s good for you and what you should focus on, and then include those exercises into your routine.

Another disclaimer is that you should always warm up your body before any type of exercise, just as your physician or instructor would tell you as well.

You should never do any work out that gives you discomfort, because you could actually hurt yourself instead of helping yourself and your health.

If you decide to do the exercises that I’m recommending below, you take full responsibility and assume all the risk of injury.

Now this was a disclaimer I had to include, as I’m not a doctor, I’m only sharing with you what worked for me and has brought me important health benefits and prevented that I have a new lower back crisis for the past 5-years.

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This 30-minute workout is simple and does not require huge investments or weights.

As you’ll easily see, this exercise in the hotel room travel workout is pretty simple and straightforward. The only travel exercise equipment that I use is that elastic band, which is really very cheap.

If you don’t have one and don’t want to buy one, that’s ok too, because you see how to exercise at the hotel by doing some stretches that will help your entire body anyway, and you can skip the stretching band exercises altogether.

30 minute hotel workout - how to exercise when traveling

First, I do some warm-up exercises – walking, high knees, roll out the shoulders, twists (like when you were a little kid) to loosen up the torso and the hips.

You need to get your blood flowing, as no exercise should start without a warm-up, as I learned when I took those physical therapy lessons.

Then I do my physical therapy exercises for my back, the ones that I learned.

I have to admit that I was scared that I’d forget some of those exercises, so after the physical therapy sessions were over, I searched on YouTube to see if there are any physical therapy lessons there, with the exercises that I practiced.

I was happy to discover that indeed there are many such sessions, and so I saved a few on a specific list I created for this particular topic.

I have to say that the first exercises that I do are for my back, and the basic ones are included in the video below.

They mainly stretch exercises for the spine. While the video recommends that you do this exercise in the morning, I admit that I take a break during the day or, sometimes, when I’m really busy, I do these exercises in the afternoon.

The next type of exercise that I do is for my upper back and my neck muscles which are heavily used when I’m working at the computer.

Finally, I do some stretch band exercises, again a simple routine and mainly for arms and back, as I can’t put pressure on my knees, can do squats work exercises with my knees bent.

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You can definitely look up some videos online that include more exercises tailored to your needs if you want to.

What I’m trying to show you is that you can, without a doubt, exercise daily when you travel, without needing money or a specialist to do your workout routine.

I know that perhaps the most challenging issue is to be consistent, and that is why I have short exercises and only a 30-minute travel exercise routine that I’m recommending.

If it’s short and it includes the exercises that I need, then I’m likely to keep my consistency. This way becomes easier to exercise when travelling.

I too am tempted to forget about exercising while travelling, so having a simple exercise routine that I know helps me and a travel workout that I can do in my hotel room, makes me less inclined to give up my health exercises.

I never say I do sports because I don’t think of this type of exercise as proper sports, but as basic as you may think this 30-minute workout routine is, it is truly beneficial for my body.

I’m only two said that I had to start doing these exercises only after having a major crisis.

30 minute hotel workout - how to exercise when traveling. Discover how to exercise at the hotel #workout #stretching #exercise #hotelexercise #travel #travelworkout

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