8 effective packing techniques that save space in your suitcase

When you want to travel with a small suitcase – or when you just bought numerous souvenirs and you have to find them a place in your suitcase – using effective packing techniques that save space is vital.

So, how do you actually save space in your suitcase or backpack?

8 effective packing techniques that save space in your suitcase

Well, you should use every inch of that item. Start rolling your shirts – you’ll both save space and reduce wrinkles. You can use packing cubes to keep everything in order. You can adopt the military style or the “clown-car” style when folding your clothes.

Another idea is to start folding from front to back.

Sure, it’s a test way-by-way method – until you discover what best fits for you.

I admit that I like traveling with a big suitcase – with generous space, some for possible items I might buy 😀 – but when that’s not possible – costs involved, short trips, etc. – I try to find efficient ways to pack my things.

What you may discover, is that some of these techniques – especially the rolling part, done the military style or not – might actually help you save space in your closet – when you live in a rented place with not too much space for clothes:D So, as you can see, mastering these packing techniques benefits you in multiple circumstances.

Anyway, as it is easier to see how these packing techniques can be used – and how to roll/fold your clothes – here’s an infographic that can help you 🙂 (at the end there is also a video included).

8 effective packing techniques that save space in your suitcase

And here is the video I was mentioning above:

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